Tuesday 13 September 2011


One of the things that I love is black and white photos. I have a great collection of black and white photos of family members.  Last month I went to a family reunion and I had so much fun. I loved seeing  all the old family photos. When I saw this photo of my great grandmother ( Sarah McGee McRae-Scott ) and her daughter ( Elizabeth Ellen " Bessie" Scott ) I had no idea that at one time they owned a store. I've been thinking of opening an on-line store for quite a while now. Last week I was trying to come up with a name. And all of a sudden it came to me as I was driving down the street. Sarah + Bessie, how fitting that I use their name.

Sarah & Bessie


  1. I love the picture and the story behind it. I'd love to know more. Where was the store? What did they sell? How did you find out about it? And I love the name you've created from this discovery. Best of luck with the online store! I will definitely be following your posts. :)

  2. I wish I knew more about the store that they owned. I asked my dad but he knew very little. I was stunned seeing that photo. My cousin Cheryl has the orignal photo and she has all the information on it. I saw the photo for the first time last month at the family reunion. As soon as I saw the photo I knew I was on the right track. I'm still in shock about wanting to do this and finding out that the two people that I adore had a real store of their own. It wasen't until last week that the name came together. How approiate that I use their name. I'm not sure how long it will take to get the on-line store up and running, have lots of work to do on that! One I get a better photo I will be using it on the blog, might need your help in that area Salena tee hee.

  3. Hey Kelly! Great blog!! I love your decorating tastes.

    I also did not know that Nana Mac and Aunt Bessie had a store! Where have I been? Love the photo! Yes, the name is very appropriate. When I think of Nana I think of pink and lavender lilacs. I remember Nana smelling like lavendar, (I think she called it toilet water) and I think that the kitchen on Hunter St. was painted pink. (if I remember correctly, but that's how I picture it) Weird what you remember or what you think you remember. lol

    When I think of your g'mother, Bessie, I think of her giving Nana a perm. She was really good at stying hair, I always thought that she should have been a stylist.

    Did you know that my name is the same name as your grandmother Bessie? Only differences is that the first two names are reversed.

    Best wishes on your decorating blog! I will be checking in now and then. :-)


  4. Hey Ellen thanks so much for the comment. You know I don't remember the color of the kitchen, and I lived in that house. It's strange that you remember Nanna smelling like lavender. I'm making saches for the store and I'm using lavender. Wow I think they are watching! And yes I knew you and gram shared the same name but reversed. I'm gonna have to dig a little deeper in finding out more about the store they owned. I just found out from dad that they also once owned 2 hotels. And one was in Niagara Falls up on Ferry Street. I'm glad you like the blog.

    Love Kelly xoxo

  5. Ellen:

    I love your blog and I ADORE this photo and the inspiration for the title of your blog : ) It makes me smile.

    Ruth Ann told me about you and your desire to get into "the business". I'd love to connect with you and share ideas. My email is autumnladystarview@yahoo.com.

    I am inspired and have enjoyed browsing through your blog the last half hour or so... I believe we are kindred spirits.



  6. Hi Cori, Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Ruth Ann told me about you too! Thanks so much for your kind words I'm looking forward to talking with you.

    All the best
